некоммерческое партнерство популяризации достижений науки и техники МИР НАУКИ
Positions about project
Опубликовано: 13.04.2017

Positions about
The international project «We are Children of Oilmen» 2011


  The international creative competition "We are Children of Oilmen" is realized by Noncommercial Partnership of Popularization of achievements of science and technology “Mir Nauki” (NP “Mir Nauki”)


  Noncommercial Partnership of Popularization of achievements of science and technology NP “Mir Nauki”


   The international creative competition "We are Children of Oil industry workers" pursues the aim of development of creative abilities at rising generation, assistance of vocational counseling of children and to a choice of the future trade in oil and gas sphere of world economy, support of old traditions of branch and to occurrence of new labor dynasties.

Within the limits of Competition problems are solved

  • Acquaintance of children to trades actual for oil and gas sphere of world economy today and in immediate prospects, with the basic technologies and manufactures of oil and gas sphere
  • Acquaintance to the leading companies of branch extracting both service and their employees
  • Acquaintance to legendary persons of branch and labor dynasties
  • Acquaintance to traditions and professional holidays
  • Popularization of trades of oil and gas branch
  • Creation of system for interdisciplinary creative thinking and the innovative approach to the decision of tasks in view
  • Popularization of achievements of science and technology of oil and gas sphere


   Competition starts on January, 15th, 2011.

   Within a year the works sent on Competition are exhibited at large Russian both international oil and gas exhibitions and conferences according to the schedule and a place of their carrying out.

   At oil and gas forums the exposition of works of Participants, Competition of spectator sympathies of a concrete forum, with delivery of special diplomas of a forum, prizes and gifts will be organized.

   Competition, including, can be spent in the companies-participants and their branches. For this purpose the company enters into the written agreement with Competition Organizing committee in which I register conditions of use of the name of Competition, nominations etc. And also conditions of the further interaction in actions Competition.

Granting of demands and works of participants of Competition from legal bodies in Competition Organizing committee - since January, 15th 2011.


Solemn ceremony of rewarding of winners of the International Creative Competition «We are Children of Oilmen», the Organizing committee specifies after acceptance of the additional decision, but not later than two calendar months before the appointed dates.


   Private persons can take part in Competition, having issued the demand, having given creative works and having paid an organizational payment or having brought a charitable donation into the account of Organizing committee of Competition. 

   The Competition company-participant "We are Children of Oilmen" the organization with any form of formation of the legal person which has business interests in oil and gas sphere is considered, has issued the demand, has given works of children on Competition and has brought an organizational payment in size:

  • The companies of small-scale business and children's educational institutions - 12 000,00 rubles
  • The companies of average business and higher educational institutions - 55 000,00 rubles
  • The large companies - 118 000,00 rubles
  • Holdings and transnational corporations - in an individual order
  • The foreign companies and representations - in an individual order

We pay attention of Participants that into the Organizing committee account it is necessary to receive the sum, in conformity Position about Competition and individual arrangements with the Organizing committee, fixed in the corresponding contract. On transfer of money resources Participants incur all expenses.

   To participation in Competition children of employees of the Companies-participants without age restriction are invited, whose parents work in an oil and gas extracting, processing industry and giving the equipment, materials and a universal complex of services for oil and gas sphere. Also the companies which interests potentially are in oil and gas sphere. And the companies interested in realization of this project, irrespective of pattern of ownership and a field of activity.

   Participants of Competition have the right to visit all actions spent within the limits of Creative competition "We are Children of Oilmen".

   Winners and prize-winners of Competition have the right to use Diplomas, awards and prizes of Competition for popularization of personal achievements, to specify in the resume, etc.

   Works of Winners and prize-winners of Competition will be presented on official site of NP "Mir Nauki" www.mirnauki.ru, on sites of official partners and sponsors of Competition, and also can be printed in catalogs, booklets, calendars and other kinds of data carriers about Competition and with Competition symbolics.


   Participation of the company or the private person in Competition as the Partner or the Sponsor probably at performance of following conditions:

  • Signing of the Contract on mutually advantageous cooperation within the limits of Competition carrying out
  • Performance of treaty provisions about mutually advantageous cooperation within the limits of Competition carrying out

   Conditions for interaction realization are developed individually for each company taking into account the newest author's workings out and programs NP "Mir Nauki" in the field of popularization of activity of the company - of the Partner, especially in the field of achievements of science and technology and their introduction in manufacture that can promote achievement of commercial objectives of the company-partner as much as possible.

   For participation of the company in Competition as the Sponsor, the Organizing committee has confirmed a standard package of proposals (the Sponsor's package). For each Sponsor possibility to develop the individual program of cooperation for the maximum achievement of the purposes of the Sponsor in Competition actions, both within a year, and at Solemn ceremony of rewarding of Winners and Students is given.


  • My country - oil power
  • My future profession
  • Image of OILMEN
  • I am proud of the family
  • Labor dynasty
  • Nature


The organizing committee spends distribution of the works given on Competition, by creativity kinds, on age categories and directs for an estimation to Competition Jury. The jury estimates works on ten-mark system, being guided by following criteria:

  • Conformity of work of the declared nomination
  • Boldness of idea and originality of the creative decision
  • Adaptability to manufacture of decisions of realization of idea
  • A harmony of branch, technical and art making creative work
  • Esthetic perception of creative work

The organizing committee defines Winners in system of rating voting



The organizing committee has confirmed following awards of Competition:

  • Diplomas of Winners in nominations
  • Prizes on nominations
  • Special prizes from Jury
  • Diplomas of Participants for legal and physical persons


   Application forms for participation in Competition "We are Children of Oilmen" are made out on the organization-participant form in the free form and go to Organizing committee.

Reception of works on Competition is made since January, 15th, 2011 in Organizing committee to the address:

125047, p.o. 338, Moscow, Miussky square, building 6, structure 3, office 806

NP "Mir Nauki"

125047, а/я 338, г. Москва, Миусская площадь, дом 6, строение 3, офис 806

НП "Мир Науки" (Russian)

Contacts: +7 499 250-6178, +7 499 250 61 98,

E-MAIL: info@mirnauki.ru


  1. Work, according to a nomination, and its photo in electronic form.
  2. On an underside of drawings, sculptures, photos and other kinds of graphic creativity it is necessary to make labels with instructions of a name and a surname of the author, date of its birth, the name of the work, the chosen nomination, contact phone of the author and the organization of the participant.
  3. On the electronic carrier it is necessary to present an accompanying note with the short biography of the author of 4-5 lines (it is possible in the form of an essay), a color photo of the author, the address, contact phone and an e-mail.
  4. On the electronic carrier the information on the enterprise which has directed work: the mailing address, phone, a fax, an e-mail, full name and the full name of a post of the director, full name and the coordinates, Competition responsible for carrying out.
  5. On the electronic carrier the register of the sent works with instructions full name of the author, date of birth, work number in the list, the address and contacts of the author, the address and organization-participant contacts, the electronic address.

Transfer of an organizational payment is made into the Organizing committee account simultaneously with the directed works on following requisites:

Юридический адрес: 125047, г. Москва, Миусская пл., д.6, корп.3, оф.115

Название организации:  Некоммерческое Партнерство Популяризации достижений науки и техники "Мир Науки" 

ОГРН 1037739307825

ОКПО 56682632

ИНН 7743031788

КПП 770701001

Банковские реквизиты:

ИНН/КПП   7727051787 / 775001001

Расчетный счет 40703810900000000076


Корр/счет  30101810200000000904 в ОПЕРУ МГТУ Банка России

БИК 044525904

Payment function the Charitable donation in competition development We are Children of Oil industry workers ", the VAT isn't assessed.

   Payment of an organizational payment under the contract is made in a following order. Treaty provisions are coordinated, subscribe representatives for that persons and payment of an organizational payment into the Organizing committee account is made. On transfer of money resources Participants incur all expenses.


  1. Works and the electronic carriers given on Competition, don't come back
  2. Copyrights to all works sent on Competition, each participant transfers to Competition Organizing committee, according to the current legislation of the Russian Federation
  3. Works of participants of Competition are exhibited at every possible domestic, international and foreign exhibitions, with instructions of author's requisites: ФИО, age, the work name, a nomination and a city of residing of the author. The name of the company which have employed also is underlined
  4. The information on exhibitions with the list of the works participating in an exposition, takes place on site НП "Science World" www.mirnauki.ru
  5. To the participant of Competition, whose works were exhibited at exhibitions, the diploma on demand is sent

The chairman of Organizing committee                  I.G. Terentyeva